Observations by


EDITOR'S NOTE: The same mail that brought Susanna's column brought a copy of the article re- ferred to in her column. It was so interesting that I was going to print it anyway but it is even more appropriate due to Susanna's reference to it. If anyone cares for my observation I would be will- ing to bet that it will be a lot shorter than 20 years, that is just a sour grapes defense by a man who probably wont be alive in 20 years so he puts it off past his days--that's like closing your eyes hoping you can't see it. It will be my bet that as soon as a few hardy souls who are masculine men wear skirts around the country club or elsewhere that it will catch on rapidly. Remember how quickly colorful printed sports shirts with flowers on them became popular as soon as Harry Truman wore one home from Hawaii? Wait and see. The article reprints appeared in the Sunday Oregonian over the byline of Eugenia Sheppard.

NEW YORK (Special) Elizabeth Hawes' tele- phone hasn't stopped ringing since she announced that she's designing a skirt for men and will show it at the Brooklyn Museum, April 5.

If you think the calls came from outraged males ("What do you mean, skirts? You must be off your rocker") you have another guess coming.

"I had some wonderful talks with just plain people," says Hawes. "A man who has a family of teen-age children talked to me for a long time. He said he had always thought skirts would be com- fortable."